There is more than one group named The Drums:
1) an American indie pop band from Brooklyn, NY
2) an American experimental band from San Francisco
1) The Drums are an American more on →
Max Jacobs
Jan 18, 2011
Two philosophy students meet in college and decide they want to learn to sail so they can take an extended voyage after school. Despite having no sailing knowledge, and living in landlocked Colorado, the pair learns all they can, and upon graduating,...
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Hugh McClure
Dec 29, 2010
Surf's up dudes and dudettes -- surf rock is here to stay, and L.A.-based Wavves is one of the shining lights re-introducing the genre into popular music conversations.I'm from Australia, and have only reviewed Australian music so far on Indie Shuffl...
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Kathlee Cleveland
Jul 27, 2010
I can be iffy about pop music, especially surfer/pop records. This may have something to do with my aversion to anything that is bright and sunny, and my innate jealousy towards Californians. As much as I don't want to admit it, I love Best Coast in ...
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